May Express

Half the cost. Twice as fast. What you need.

Seize the Summer

Interactive Online Experience

Course List—2025

General Education courses at a discounted tuition rate! 

May Express is a great option for all students, but especially those living on campus! It includes free, double occupancy housing for main-campus undergraduate students who live in one of the following residence halls as of spring semester of 2025: Meier Hall, Lamson Hall or University Towers. Free housing is not available to guest students. 

Students pay a single price of $995 for one 3 credit hour course. Additional credits from other courses will be charged at the regular tuition rate.


May 5–30, 2025


ENGL 215 College Writing II, 3 credits 
HIST 110 Worldviews, Cultures and God, 3 credits 
RELB 210 Jesus in His Time and Ours, 3 credits 
STAT 285 Intro to Statistics, 3 credits 


Additional Information

  • Students can register for one course at a set tuition cost of $995
  • Students must be high school graduates in order to register.
  • Looking for another course? Check out our full list of summer courses

May Express questions? Email